Neither Victims... Nor Executioners

Liberalism–it is well to recall this to-day–is the supreme form of generosity; it is the right which the majority concedes to minorities and hence it is the noblest cry that has ever resounded in this planet. It announces the determination to share existence with the enemy; more than that, with an enemy which is weak. —Ortega y Gasset

We are dedicated to the defense of liberalism.

We are for liberal democracy, social democracy, and universal human rights.

We are against fascism, nationalism, racism, and totalitarianism.

We seek to hold all governments, ideologies, and political parties to the same high standard of protecting and promoting human rights. We aspire to follow the example of figures like Albert Camus and George Orwell, who defended human rights from threats emanating from both the left and the right.

We are proud liberals.

How do you define liberalism?

  • Liberalism is grounded in the principle of human equality. Because people are morally equal, every person deserves a say in the decisions that affect their lives.

  • Democracy is a necessary consequence of the premise of human equality. Equal people deserve an equal say in the decisions that affect them. Having an equal say in decisions means that every person deserves one vote, and no person's vote is worth more than any other's.

  • Liberal democracy also requires the defense of individual and minority rights. As a precondition for participating effectively in the decisions that affect their lives, every person must have the right to the basic freedoms and social protections enshrined in international human rights agreements.

Liberalism for us does NOT mean:

  • "Moderation" or "centrism" for their own sake.

  • Uncritical belief in capitalism or free markets (we are liberals; not "neo-liberals")

  • Identification with any hegemonic cultural bloc or similar construct (such as "the West"). We believe the principles of liberalism transcend cultural and national barriers.

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